Natasha Howlett
Emissions & Climate Division, Xodus Group
Natasha Howlett leads Xodus’ Emissions & Climate Division and has a focus on supporting clients with their net zero journey in order to realise meaningful emission reductions. Her broad ranging energy industry experience, combined with her in depth understanding of emissions regulations and their practical applications, puts her in an unrivalled position in industry to support the development of ambitious but credible emission reduction strategies against the backdrop of an ever-changing legislative landscape.
Natasha brings comprehensive expertise in emissions and carbon management, emissions reduction action planning, methane guidance, and Scope 1, 2 and 3 baselining, as well as numerous years of project management where she had led diverse teams through complex scheduling requirements in order to deliver unrivalled results. Natasha offers a wealth of experience in stakeholder engagement, interface management, and effective communication.
Natasha is at the forefront of the developing methane measurement space, playing an active role in assessing the suitability and practical application of emerging technologies, and providing technical advice and input to the development of the UK Methane Guideline strategy.